
Showing posts from June, 2021

Climate Change - How serious can it be?

Say the words “climate change” or “global warming” during a conversation with your circle and notice how most people react. Just as these terms are used, it's a huge turn-off for most people. So here's the first point: DON'T TURN OFF. Climate change isn't just the most common topic you get in your English projects, but the biggest threat to mankind as well. On the occasion of World Environmental Day , I'll try to give you an idea about why this issue is not as prosaic as you think it is.   I have heard people say that climate change is natural and that we shouldn't worry about it so much. The thing is, we indeed have had naturally occurring climate change since the earth was formed. But none of the natural causes of climate variation — be it from the sun's output, the tilt of the earth, volcanic activity or emissions from rotting vegetation — can account for the warming we observe today. There is only one thing that can: the emissions from fossil fuels cau