Lost Generation - The COVID Factor

An year ago, the world witnessed one of the most contagious infections due to a new strain of the SARS-Coronavirus, spreading abruptly from country to country to result into a huge worldwide pandemic. Countries imposed complete lockdowns and all sectors were affected in a hundred different ways. It also arrived during a time when a new academic session was just beginning for the students. With the schools shut down, other alternatives were needed to resume education. Schools switched to online education with live classes. With this, everyone believed that the problem of education during the pandemic was solved. But was it really the case?

Online Classes with distracted students

India is a highly populated country with a concerning number of families below the poverty line. Not everyone can afford gadgets and internet to access these classes. Even for people with these resources, there are problems. The network issues every now and then cause great difficulty for the students with a lot of topics going missed. Since all the classes, assignments, tests, doubts, etc. can be accessed on the phone only, students are bound to sit in front of the screen for HOURS affecting their health. Also, with easy access to phones all the time, there is more scope for distractions. Not to mention, the connection a student feels when a teacher is explaining a topic to him/her in person, can never be fulfilled by online classes. Without any physical activity or friendly interactions, children are becoming lazy, dull, stressed and are having a hard time focusing. Adding to this, students in higher classes are facing a lot of pressure to crack their respective competitive exams when they are already having such a hard time learning. During these times, they need mental support from parents and teachers, but in most of the cases, they are asked the reason why they are under-performing when other students can study and score in these conditions. Such circumstances lead to harmful thoughts like a growing feeling of not being good enough. With nothing but negative energy already around them, they are begging to be understood. A piercing fear of a crucial year going to waste is HAUNTING them. 

Growing stress amongst students

In such conditions, one wonders if these students will ever be able to fill that void and that guilt of “Maybe I could've done better”. Who will be responsible if these kids lose their dream carrier option in the future for the sake of grades? How will they live with this burden all their life? 


  1. You said correct, the pandemic has affected the mental health of many students. Many times, the Government has said that we should be only 2 hours in front of mobile screen but on the other side, the classes are of 4 to 5 hours + school classes (for most of the students)...

  2. No need to worry students bcz time will heal the gap and it's for all for one or two.
    In current scenario govt, institutions, teacher as well as parents are in positive sentiments n working to overcome the issues.

  3. All these questions remain same in future too if their is a lockdown or not.childern should focus on gaining knowledge not worry about marks or Grade. If u have knowledge can achieve any dream latter or sooner.
    Nice article πŸ‘

  4. Couldn’t agree moreπŸ™ŒπŸ»

  5. This is the very question that hangs over millions of students & their parents. Truly said, there are thousands of students in slums in metropolises & in smaller towns whose parents are facing difficulties in meeting their daily ends let alone bearing an additional cost of data usage.
    Those fortunate students who are getting the privilege of technology-driven education are also exposed to beyond reasonable limits of electromagnetic field & quite a harm to their eyes.
    Our nation has gone through the first wave of Covid 19 last year (of which we assumed, has been overpowered by our resilience), now we are witnessing the most devastating & mutant form of this virus & now experts are forecasting about a third wave.
    Amid these conditions, we are left with no condition but to bear the extra cost of data & harmful over-exposure high resolution & EM field. This the price we all have to pay till the time either a full proof remedy is not introduced to the Indian population at an affordable cost or till the time we all become that much responsible to give due attention to this monstrous virus by following the social distancing protocol religiously.
    Either way, the entire process of our education system is changed forever.

    1. This. Couldn't agree more. Thank you for taking the time to write this.

    2. Tanisha Sharma2 June 2021 at 22:19

      Very Rightly Portrayed Sir!! We actually are not left with any other option than to religiously follow the social distancing norms in our Normal Life specially after the scientific Study proving that 3 more waves are to come and the Third one is Set to target the Core that is Youth( to be more specific age bar 18-35) . Talking about the Devastation caused we need to glance at the positive side by taking into consideration two approaches- Firstly, this Pandemic has not only affected our Nation but the Entire World, yes It's Obvious that our prior and Natural concer would always be to recognize what are it's impacts on Us So Therefore it takes us to Second one that is to Think Of Solutions, yes we aren't Scientists But Each One of us can do something on our own level and the biggest contribution would be by staying at our homes using mask and by getting connected to some of the Authentic Institutions which are Indulged in directly providing help at the Grassroot Levels if we can in our Capacity

  6. ����

  7. One can see that the Chane Of Thoughts isdiscussed in Chronology


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